Employee Onboarding in the Digital Age

Electronic onboarding, or bringing new employees into your organization online, offers value in a few ways:

FACILITATES REMOTE HIRING – Employer and employee do not have to be in the same location when completing employment documentation.

STANDARD PROCESS – The same process will be used regardless of the employer representative and employee.

INTEGRATED TO PAYROLL – Once complete, employee demographic, tax and direct deposit information can be imported directly into our payroll software.

Electronic onboarding is very simple. It starts with a company representative, usually in HR, completing some basic employee information. Next, the employee receives an email asking them to complete some new hire “paperwork,” including personal information, tax information, and direct deposit. Once the employee enters in their data, it is ready for verification, which is done with a few clicks of the mouse.

Onboarding Screen

The process is then finalized and an email is sent to the employer or designee for I-9 verification and additional information such as pay rate, benefit information, the class of employee, etc.

To discuss the benefits of electronic onboarding or to implement it for your business, please call MarathonHR at 678-208-2802.