As 2016 comes to a close, we continue to focus on a top HR trend – employee engagement. Employee engagement is the relationship between an organization and its employee. Research reveals that 79% of businesses are worried about engagement and only 13% of employees are considered “engaged.”
The president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Henry Jackson, wrote a column a few months ago about job satisfaction and employee engagement. In it, he cited a 2016 SHRM research report that said “respectful treatment of all employees at all levels” was the top contributor to satisfaction at work for the second consecutive year. After that, employees listed “pay, benefits, job security, opportunities to use skills and abilities and trust between employees and senior management.” Interestingly, while employees claim to be more satisfied than they’ve been in the past decade, they are only moderately engaged – a 3.8 on a scale of 1 to 5 – and 45 percent said they would look for jobs outside their current company in the next year if the pay was better or there are career advancement opportunities externally. So, how engaged are they really?
I recently presented “Hire, Train and Terminate: Break the Cycle” to a healthcare group at a local Chamber of Commerce. The focus of the session was that employee engagement begins with an understanding of your corporate identity and hiring people who are a good match for your business. You need to determine the “shape” of your business and ways to attract, hire and retain employees that fit. No more square pegs in round holes.
Click here and reference slides four and five for questions to ask yourself regarding the shape of your business. In next month’s newsletter, we’ll dive into clarifying your corporate values and how they inform who and why you should hire someone.