GDOL Announces Delay in 2021 Unemployment Insurance Tax Rate Notices

Under normal circumstances MarathonHR would have received notification of your new unemployment insurance (UI) tax rate before January 1. As 2020 was anything but normal, it should come as little surprise to employers to learn that the Georgia Department of Labor is running behind and now estimates that UI tax rates will be available to employers via the DOL Employer Portal in February.

How does this impact you?  Employer Quarterly Tax and Wage reports will not be accepted for first quarter 2021 until the new tax rates are released. All employers will receive notification on their new UI via email, assuming the email address you have on record with the DOL is current. Notices will NOT be distributed via U.S. Mail. MarathonHR will take care of downloading the UI rates from the portal when they are available. Businesses not already a MarathonHR client are encouraged to register with the Employer Portal to avoid delays in receiving this important information by going to and clicking on the Employers tab then selecting Employer Portal.