In May, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 65 establishing Georgia Access – a state-based exchange (SBE) for individual health insurance.
The legislation allows Georgia to exit the federal marketplace exchange and gives the Georgia Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner (OCI) authority over operating an SBE for Georgia.
Current Status of Georgia Access
Originally, Georgia Access was slated to roll out for Open Enrollment 2024. As part of the standard process for getting an SBE up and running, Governor Kemp submitted an SBE Letter of Intent to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on February 13, 2023. The Commissioner of Insurance submitted a letter outlining the State’s readiness along with an SBE Blueprint Application to CMS on February 14, 2023.
Hoping to shorten the standard 15-month waiting period required by CMS, the OCI tried to make the case that work done to exit the marketplace in 2019 should count as part of the current review. CMS did not approve this request, and Georgia Access is not available at this time for 2024 enrollment.
While the exact approval timeline and rollout of Georgia Access remains uncertain and may change, MarathonHR is constantly monitoring the latest information on insurance plans that affect small- to medium-sized businesses. We will address these important topics and keep you informed as new information becomes available.