Protect Your Business from HR Pitfalls with Our Checklist for 2021

A smart way to start the fiscal year is to incorporate a self-evaluation of your organization’s compliance with state and federal labor laws. This simple checklist should serve as a great starting point. A few basic areas of exploration should include:

For Current Employees:

Do you have an employee handbook? If so, does your handbook address the following policies: At-will employment policy, nondiscrimination policy, sexual harassment policy and confidential information policy? If your business has been around for a while, have you updated your handbook to include a cell phone policy, and, if appropriate, a social media policy?

Is your recordkeeping in compliance with the law? Labor law requires that you maintain details of each non-exempt worker for a minimum length of time. Although there is no prescribed format for the information, identifying details about the employee, hours worked and wages earned span 14 different categories that you can be accessed on from the DOL here.

For Future Employees:

Do you have documented fair and standard hiring practices? For example: do you require background checks? Verification of MVRs for those who drive a company vehicle? Pre-employment drug screenings for employees operating heavy machinery? Is there a protocol in place for accurate completion of I-9s and have you adopted the new W-4 form? If you hire independent contractors, do you have a documented policy for determining their status?

This checklist is simply meant as a starting point to improve your operations. The employee in charge of HR or workforce management in your organization should be able to validate compliance. If you or they identify gaps in policy or understanding, it might be a great time to rethink some of your approach. If you need assistance, please reach out to MarathonHR.