We’ve all heard of “summer reading lists” for lazy days spent on vacation, but how about a Labor Day reading list? In honor of the holiday, the Department of Labor added 10 new titles to its Books that Shaped Work in America. This list now encompasses 110 tomes, ranging from a delightful young people’s favorite (The Little Engine that Could; Watty Piper) to an insightful analysis of the corporate model (The Concept of the Corporation; Peter Drucker).
We thought you might enjoy perusing the list and reading them, if you haven’t already. They form the basis for a great labor library for any business leader. I’m embarrassed to say that The Little Engine that Could is the only one I’ve read from the list of new titles added, although I’ve read many more from the list of 110. I invite you to review the list and send me your recommendations of personal or professional favorites that my staff and I could read next!