How Recently Have You Updated the Doctors Identified on the Worker’s Comp Physician Panel?

Most employers are diligent about posting their Worker’s Compensation Panel in the area of their office designated from required employee notices. Regrettably not all employers are diligent about keeping them up to date. As we addressed in our earlier post, The Georgia Workers’ Compensation Panel of Physicians: Are You Following the Rules?, inclusion of an up to date list of Physicians is one of the 12 requirements for maintaining a current Worker’s Comp Panel.

Six doctors including one minority, one orthopedic surgeon and not more than two industrial clinics must be included. Should one of those practices close or merge during the year, it is the obligation of the employer to update the panel. Consider listing eight physicians at any time just in case and eliminate the risk of having an out-of-date panel become a liability in the case of a workplace incident. Then mark your calendar for an annual inspection of your panel, just to be sure it is up to date. Take a picture documenting the effort for your records.