All of the holiday season’s festivities can pack on the pounds and increase stress levels. Did you know that the average American gains six to eight pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s? This is a case where it’s good to be below average!
Here are some tips from certified health coach Jennifer Cook to help you navigate the cookies and candy at the office, celebratory meals out, cocktail parties and holiday buffets:
- Don’t skip a meal; eat 5-6 low glycemic, low-calorie meals throughout the day to keep blood sugar in check and your stomach happy.
- Drink sparkling water with lime instead of alcohol, which has empty calories—and lots of them.
- Remember the Three Bite Rule: The first bite is the best tasting. The second isn’t as good as the first. And, by the third, your taste bud experiences is over, so don’t waste the calories.
- Eat more salads and green vegetables at parties and make meats a “side dish”.
- Get moving! Physical activity is a good way to burn calories. Holiday shopping at the mall can be an opportunity to get some extra exercise. If you park far away from the entrance, keep your pace brisk, and carry lots of packages!
For additional healthy holiday strategies, follow Jennifer on Twitter. Happy holidays!