Big Jump Predicted for Group Health Plans in 2018
Group health plan costs will nearly double the increase businesses experienced in 2017, according to surveys conducted by varied business advocacy groups. Plan costs are expected to rise 4.3 percent, even after plan changes and other measures to reduce costs. Without changes, the rise would be closer to 6 percent. That figure is far below […]
Employee Benefits—Managing Them for Everyone
Employee benefits have become increasingly complicated for business owners as they struggle to address them for very different generations of workers. Baby boomers may want time off for elder care, while millennials may want extra paid vacation or flex time. Compounding the issue, workers have become increasingly willing to turn down a job offer—or even […]
Family Leave Rules Are a Potential Landmine for Employers
Even with record numbers of employers winning Family Medical Leave Act lawsuits, family-leave related issues remain complex and treacherous for most firms to navigate. The fact that Georgia has no state equivalent of the federal FMLA, and that firms of fewer than 50 are not subject to its requirements, doesn’t make compliance any easier. From […]