Five HOT Tips for Summertime Productivity

It’s not easy staying productive in the summer, between vacations, holidays and the heat. However, if we shift our attitudes just a bit and seek uncomplicated ways to be productive, it becomes a bit more manageable.  Following are a few tips – some are mine; some are borrowed from Chris Bailey, author of several productivity […]

Workplace “Body Art” − An Update

Author’s note: In August, 2017, we published an article about the growing incidence of body art (tattoos and piercings) in the workplace. At the time, we talked about what the trend meant for employers, and what their rights were, when it came to restricting visible body art. A year later, we wanted to revisit the topic. […]

Summertime, and the Living’s Easy…Productivity Can Be, Too!

I recently discovered a book by Chris Bailey entitled “The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy.” It prompted to me to look at my own effectiveness and assess what’s working and where I could improve. Tips to increase your productivity: Rule of Three – Bailey talks about starting each day with […]

Employer Planning Strategies for the 2018 Healthcare Laws

With the ACA very much alive as we head towards the start of 2018, many employers may be adjusting their health insurance strategies. Applicable large employers—those with 50 or more FTEs—full time equivalent employees; a blended combination of full-time (30 hours per week) and part-time personnel—must provide “affordable” health insurance or face stiff penalties that […]

Big Jump Predicted for Group Health Plans in 2018

Group health plan costs will nearly double the increase businesses experienced in 2017, according to surveys conducted by varied business advocacy groups. Plan costs are expected to rise 4.3 percent, even after plan changes and other measures to reduce costs. Without changes, the rise would be closer to 6 percent. That figure is far below […]

Employee Benefits—Managing Them for Everyone

Employee benefits have become increasingly complicated for business owners as they struggle to address them for very different generations of workers. Baby boomers may want time off for elder care, while millennials may want extra paid vacation or flex time. Compounding the issue, workers have become increasingly willing to turn down a job offer—or even […]